Email Marketing

Keep Shoppers Engaged with Personalized and Automated Emails

Explore an email marketing product that was built specifically for dealerships in the automotive industry. With Orbee you can send emails that utilize your first-party customer data, so they are personalized and engaging.

The Most Expansive Integration Library

Orbee's Middleware offers an integration library that centralizes and activates data from both inside and outside the automotive ecosystem.

Build Custom Email Campaigns

Orbee's drag-and-drop email editor makes it easy to design emails for your service or sales email campaign. With your inventory management system integrated with Orbee, you can dynamically insert vehicles into the emails. This allows each recipient to receive a personalized email with vehicles they previously viewed.

  • Reuse templates across multiple dealership brands or locations
  • Monitor the performance of email campaigns
  • Dynamically insert vehicles in your inventory management system
drag-and-drop email editor
event-based automated emails

Automated Emails with Event Based Triggers

Turn on automated email blasts for fast, reliable, and efficient communication. With emails being one of the most effective and low-cost methods of marketing, utilizing them to their full potential is a no-brainer. Integrate email campaigns with CDP data so customers receive personalized messages based on their individualistic buying behavior. 

  • Drive returning website visitors without extra ad spend
  • Trigger email sends by vehicle or website activity data
  • Automate service or sales follow up emails

Identify Anonymous Website Shoppers

Emails sent through the Orbee platform contain links unique to each recipient. Once a shopper clicks on the link, all of their browsing history (even across multiple devices) will be resolved and combined into a shopper profile. Resolving identities is crucial in building out a complete customer profiles and journeys.

  • Combine a user with multiple devices into one shopper profile
  • Activate past leads from your CRM by sending an email blast
  • Identify a shopper's interest by revealing historical website activity
Identify anonymous website shoppers
Email Lists

Build Email Lists from Various Data Sources

Target a certain segment of your shoppers

Shopper Segments

Build a list of shoppers to email based on their website activity.

Use CRM data to build a list

CRM Data

Pull in shoppers to email through Orbee's integration with your CRM.

Upload a list of shoppers

Uploaded List

Upload a list of shoppers that you want to send an email to.

See it in action

Create an Email Campaign in Minutes

Frequently Asked Questions

Some common questions about how email marketing works with Orbee.

What email address do my shoppers see?

Your dealership's custom email domain will be used as the sender and reply-to address.

Are there any limits to how many emails I can send?

The volume included in the service depends on your license and store count but, like with everything Orbee offers, we are very practical and competitive with our pricing.

Can you help me design my emails?

Yes, we have a creative services team that can help design your email templates.