Integration Request Form

This integration between Orbee and AutoMatrix is coming soon, but if you fill out the form below you could help us speed up the process!

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AutoMatrix Integration

AutoMatrix is an all-in-one inventory management and marketing platform for dealerships, offering streamlined operations, effective lead generation, and optimized advertising campaigns. It empowers dealers to efficiently manage inventory, attract qualified leads, and maximize profitability.

Key features of Orbee's AutoMatrix integration

Seamless integration of CRM data with Orbee's platform using FTP or SFTP feeds

Creation of shopper lists based on behaviors through CRM data and proprietary algorithms

Orbee uses SFTP, FTP, and API for automatic vehicle inventory data integration

Orbee tracks vehicle interest via VIN matching for targeted shopper re-engagement

AutoMatrix Integration Overview

AutoMatrix CRM integration allows car dealers to seamlessly integrate their CRM data with Orbee's platform using an FTP or SFTP feed that automatically updates daily. This integration enables Orbee to access and analyze a dealer's CRM data to create highly customized advertising campaigns.

By combining this data with proprietary algorithms, Orbee can build custom shopper lists based on customer behaviors. These lists can then be used by dealers to target specific customers with email marketing campaigns.

How Orbee’s Automatrix Inventory Integration Works

Orbee seamlessly weaves together a dealer's vehicle inventory data with Orbee's sophisticated suite of marketing and analytics tools. Achieved through the utilization of SFTP, FTP, and API, this integration guarantees an automatic, hassle-free transition of inventory data to Orbee's platform.

Once on board, Orbee's platform brings the art of precision to the forefront. It matches Vehicle Identification Numbers (VINs) to specific web pages shoppers have perused, monitoring the frequency of their return visits and gauging their level of interest. This keen insight fuels the creation of automated emails and tailor-made marketing campaigns designed to re-engage shoppers with content that has previously piqued their interest. For instance, when a shopper repeatedly views a particular vehicle without submitting a lead form, Orbee can trigger targeted emails promoting that vehicle or similar ones.

Orbee's Inventory Integration doesn't stop at re-engagement. It also vigilantly tracks daily price fluctuations, sending alerts to shoppers when a vehicle they've shown interest in undergoes a price reduction. This incentivizes them to act, potentially boosting lead generation and conversions for the dealer.In essence, Orbee's Inventory Integration is a potent tool enabling dealers to harness their inventory data to craft personalized shopping experiences and drive sales. By meticulously tracking shopper behavior and supplying targeted marketing and pricing intelligence, Orbee supports dealers in refining their inventory strategy and enhancing their overall performance.

How Orbee's AutoMatrix Website Integration Works

AutoMatrix, among other things, is a website provider that installs and maintains the Orbee tracking script on their dealer websites. The Orbee tracking script is the heart of our website analytics that give dealers the insight to make data-driven decisions when it comes to their marketing efforts.Orbee can recognize AutoMatrix’s unique URL paths to tag pages accurately and track a shopper’s journey from the Homepage to a VDP. Page tagging also powers Orbee’s audience segmentation that groups shoppers by the content they viewed and any native form fills that a shopper completed. Audience Segments can be used to build custom email lists and help in shopper identity resolution. The segmentation and customer analytics can be used to integrate with our advertising and email marketing platforms.

AutoMatrix Segments

Data Flow
Integration Method
Event Sync
Manual Upload
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Streamline Your Marketing Efforts with AutoMatrix and Orbee

Streamline and optimize marketing with AutoMatrix. Utilize Orbee's integrated marketing stack for personalized campaigns, targeted ads, multi-channel optimization, and more!

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