Integration Request Form

This integration between Orbee and DealersLink is coming soon, but if you fill out the form below you could help us speed up the process!

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DealersLink Integration

DealersLink is a comprehensive automotive inventory management and sourcing platform. It provides dealerships with a centralized solution to efficiently manage vehicle inventory, source vehicles from various channels, and optimize dealership operations.

Key features of Orbee's DealersLink integration

Streamlines inventory integration through SFTP, FTP, and API for automatic data transfer

Tracks shopper interest and engagement by matching VINs to viewed webpages

Generates automated emails and ad hoc campaigns to re-engage interested shoppers

Monitors daily price changes and alerts shoppers to drive lead generation and conversions

DealersLink Integration Overview

Orbee's Inventory integrates a dealer's vehicle inventory data with Orbee's marketing and analytics tools. This integration is achieved through SFTP, FTP, and API, which allows for the automatic transfer of inventory data to Orbee's platform.

Once the inventory data is ingested, Orbee's platform can match VINs to the webpages that shoppers viewed, tracking the vehicles they have shown interest in and how often they return to view them. This data is used to create automated emails and ad hoc marketing campaigns to re-engage shoppers with content they have shown interest in. For example, if a shopper viewed a specific vehicle multiple times but didn't submit a lead form, Orbee can use this data to send targeted emails promoting that vehicle or similar vehicles.

In addition to re-engaging shoppers, Orbee's Inventory Integration also tracks daily price changes and alerts shoppers when a vehicle they have viewed has dropped in price since they last saw it. This feature can help incentivize shoppers to take action on a vehicle they are interested in, leading to increased lead generation and conversions for the dealer.

Overall, Orbee's Inventory Integration is a powerful tool that allows dealers to leverage their inventory data to create more personalized experiences for shoppers and drive more sales. By tracking shopper behavior and providing targeted marketing and pricing information, Orbee can help dealers optimize their inventory strategy and improve their overall performance.

DealersLink Segments

Inventory Feed
Data Flow
Integration Method
Event Sync
Manual Upload
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Streamline Your Marketing Efforts with DealersLink and Orbee

Streamline and optimize marketing with DealersLink. Utilize Orbee's integrated marketing stack for personalized campaigns, targeted ads, multi-channel optimization, and more!

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