Integration Request Form

This integration between Orbee and Matador is coming soon, but if you fill out the form below you could help us speed up the process!

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Matador Integration

Matador is a chat and messaging tool that enables businesses to engage with their customers in real-time. With its user-friendly interface and advanced features, Matador empowers businesses to provide personalized and efficient customer support, increase customer satisfaction, and drive better engagement.

Key features of Orbee's Matador integration

Integrate chat interactions with other touchpoints to build comprehensive attribution reports.

Leverage chat data to segment shoppers into highly targeted advertising audiences.

Automate personalized email follow-ups based on chat interactions for improved engagement.

Integrate chat data with other data points to build complete shopper profiles.

Matador Integration Overview

Orbee’s integration with Matador enhances customer engagement by seamlessly integrating chat interactions into a comprehensive shopper profile. This integration enables dealerships to track, analyze, and utilize chat data to gain deeper insights into customer behavior and preferences. By synchronizing chat data with other customer touchpoints, dealerships can trigger automated emails based on chat interactions and add shoppers to various advertising audiences. This ensures that every chat interaction contributes to a holistic understanding of the customer journey, driving more effective communication and higher conversion rates.

Matador Segments

Chat / Messaging
Data Flow
Integration Method
Event Sync
Manual Upload
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Streamline Your Marketing Efforts with Matador and Orbee

Streamline and optimize marketing with Matador. Utilize Orbee's integrated marketing stack for personalized campaigns, targeted ads, multi-channel optimization, and more!

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